Clear Braces for Adults Are Ideal for Anyone Getting Married

Clear Braces Laurinburg, NC

We provide clear braces for adults, something regularly used by patients of ours who are planning on getting married. Many people visit us when they are engaged to talk about their smile. Getting married is incredibly exciting, and there is a great deal of planning that goes into it, including how to look and feel your very best.

If you are engaged and looking forward to your special day, call us to learn more about how we help brides and grooms using this discreet and innovative way to straighten teeth.

Time is of the essence

It is important to visit our office as quickly as possible after getting engaged so we can begin the teeth straightening process before the wedding. A typical engagement is a year to a year and a half. In that timeframe, we can achieve a lot when it comes to correcting the position of the teeth and even aligning the jaw.

In some cases, it may be possible to even complete the treatment entirely before the special day. This does require visiting us as quickly as possible, so do not delay in scheduling an appointment.

Clear braces for adults are discreet

We understand that many of our patients are worried about how they will look while wearing braces. In fact, this single concern causes many adults to never consider straightening their teeth, even though they do not like the appearance of their smile.

Fortunately, with clear braces, it is possible to straighten teeth in a discreet manner. Clear aligners are nearly invisible, making it possible to improve the smile without a mouth full of metal. We have found that this is especially important for people who are engaged, since leading up to the wedding, there are things like engagement photos to consider, parties to attend and many photo-worthy moments.

There are two main types of clear braces

Adults have the benefit of choosing between two main types of clear braces.

These are:

1. Clear ceramic braces

These are braces in which brackets are fixed to the teeth using dental cement. The wire is then threaded between them and held in place using rubber bands. Since each of the components is tooth-colored or clear, these braces do not stand out even though they function in the same way as traditional metal braces.

Patients need to visit the orthodontist regularly to have the wires adjusted or replaced so the treatment can continue according to schedule. They remain secured to the teeth until the treatment is over, at which time, patients have a beautiful smile.

2. Clear aligners

This option is increasingly popular, especially among engaged couples. Clear aligners work differently in that they surround the teeth entirely but are removable. They look similar to a full retainer and are worn for around 22 hours a day. They are supposed to come out when eating or drinking anything other than water, so there is plenty of opportunity for people to enjoy their favorite meal, take pictures, etc.

Since they are removable, patients have complete control over the treatment process. This can be ideal for people who are getting married because even if the treatment is not complete before the special day, the aligners can be removed for the entire duration of the wedding day and the treatment can begin again the next morning. This level of flexibility is simply incredible and provides people with an option of improving their smile, regardless of how soon they are getting married.

Clear braces for adults are more convenient than ever

Modern technology and dental tools have made it so braces are more convenient than ever before. Adults reap the biggest rewards of this because they have more options in selecting which type of braces they want to use to straighten their teeth.

Schedule an appointment

Call us and schedule an appointment right away to discuss these options.

Call (910) 566-0231 today to reach Henry Orthodontics.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Clear Braces in Laurinburg, NC.

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